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Why blog?

18 Dec

I guess since I’ve just began this blog, I shall introduce myself and give a little reason of why I decided to do this, and why I hope for one day for it to be somewhat successful. I’m a 21 year old mother to a gorgeous daughter of a year and a half. I’m also a college student working towards a degree in Chemical Engineering. I’m a girlfriend, one day wife, daughter, and friend. In the past couple of years, I somewhat feel like I’ve figured out a lot about life. I feel like I’ve “got it down” and would love to share some of my little secrets of becoming the person you want to be. I hope to be able to inspire and meet other young moms who are struggling with who they are and what they want to become and hopefully give them a little encouragement and motivation to become who they once dreamed of being before having responsibilities. I’m still growing and learning more each day, but I still feel a need to help other girls in my position and what better way than the internet? So follow along! 🙂



18 Dec


My lovely daughter and I